Posts from: February 2016

On the map… at Iowa city

“My country is rich in terms of heritage… its 1.2 billion population gives never ending stories.” —Rochelle Potkar (IWP ’15) “On the Map” is a series of interviews with writers while they are in Iowa City participating in the International Writing Program’s fall residency program. Watch the full interview with Potkar here:

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‘Knotted inside me’ in Arabic

Glee!  My poem gets translated to Arabic, by friend, Raed Aljishi, (poet, translator; Saudi Arabia) who has penned one novel, seven volumes of poems in Arabic and one in English: Bleeding Gull: Look, Feel, Fly. Now read the poem right away! Alright, it’s Knotted Inside me.  (on page 37) You can read the poem in…

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Portland Stage Company

My quip at Portland Stage Company after the party and before the show. The energy that PSC and Portland, Maine has because of its crackling firebrand actors and its relaxed and hospitable people  is something to witness. From where does such energy come?!

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