Posts from: July 2016

Extra epiphanies (my LOLs are words)

If there is a circus, there will be clowns. If there are clowns, there will be circuses (sooner or later).   If there is boredom in the non-clowns, there will have to be circuses and clowns. If there is ignorance  in the non-clowns, there will have to be circuses and clowns.   Every non-clown is a clown…

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Book Launch of 40 under 40, 8th July, 5:30 pm, Kitab Khana

     Coverage in the media: Buying links: Reviews: (to come…)

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A lazy feeling

*(categorized under waste-management) Off late, many have asked me if I am going to a certain poetry festival and I say I did not receive an email invite. I think nothing much of it, and move on. Then more friends ask. Again the same answer resurfaces through my mind… but now I am thinking.  Should I…

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