There was a lot of online ananda at Anantha Festival online this summer, May 2024. Two sessions I attended while in Nepal and one is happening today 29th May 2024 at 6:30 pm where I will be in conversation with Basudhara Roy and Sonia Nair over my poetry book Coins in Rivers. This will live-stream…
Paper Asylum is back in stock!
For all those who kept asking about my book of haibun: ‘Paper Asylum’. Yes, it was out of stock and is now back in fresh mint, print, stocked with the distributors. Online, you will find it here.
Brand Goa features Me + Coins in Rivers
Thank you Bharati Pawaskar for featuring me on Brand Goa, where my right and left brain synchronize just a bit. For more a dreamer and poet am I, but sometimes I wake up to the bazaar.You can read the whole piece, zooming in here –
Media pages + Book art: Coins in Rivers
The Hindu’s Browser covers Coins in Rivers. O Herald mentions my book launch at Champaca, Anjun, Goa on the 31st of May. Friends have received the book and are sharing pictures of receipts. By poet Teji Sethi – By novelist Anees Salim –
My interview in Usawa Literary Review.
The Interviews Editor Kabir Deb throws unpredictable questions at me during this interview. Thank you, Kabir for your most unusual questions. Kabir says, “On a breezy evening, I interviewed Rochelle Potkar regarding her latest collection of poetry (which also happens to be her fourth book after Four Degrees of Separation, Paper Asylum, and Bombay Hangovers)…
‘Coins in Rivers’ – my poetry book is out!
And…. my book of poetry ‘Coins in Rivers’ is finally out today by @HachetteIndia! It’s all yours to read. Thank you for all your warmth and good wishes.The quick link on Amazon is here. [Click]I was talking about the ‘Forest of Birdsong’ on my Acknowledgement Page and it was You.
An old note as good as ‘forever’.
Look what I found – an old note by my beloved mentor Jayanta M. #jayantamahapatra In my old scribbly notebook. Handwritten notes are so precious in the day of the Digital. This is for my book ‘Coins in Rivers’. But finding this now … I take as a blessing and a good omen. Thank you!
Me@Glass House Poetry Festival 2024
Gearing up for the Glass House Poetry Festival Bangalore. Co-curating this was super fun!To meet all the poets, and associates, but mostly the feisty fiery Artmantram team.Coverage in The Hindu.
Galley proofs of ‘Coins in Rivers’ reaches early reviewers.
I always wanted to do something about this cute term ‘galley proof’. With a few ARCs (Advanced Review Copies) sent to early reviewers had that wish fulfilled too. Picture cred: Kabir Deb.Thank you team Hachette India. ‘Coins in Rivers’ releases on 18th April.
‘Coins in Rivers’ – my new book of poetry
Dear Friends,My new book of poetry ‘Coins in Rivers’ goes to print on Women’s Day.Coming soon by mid-April 2024.Meet you over it for gupp and shupp. In print. Over chai. In person. Online. Over laughs and cries.Thanking the whole team of Hachette India @HachetteIndia.