The Chitkara Lit Fest at the Chitkara University Chandigarh February 23, 2024 was so many things. For one: I chose to not be on a panel, speaking or waxing eloquent – only because I have been writing (eloquently?), so my words were kinda exhausted. Phew! I opted rather to perform my poetry and that did me a world of good. To come out of my burrow after so long and get all vocal on stage and for a little while be a Spoken word Poet – a Stage Poet. Hmmm, interesting. My poems were on Love & War – two energies that are constantly shaping our worlds.
I met amazing faculty, peers, and talented students and I came away inspired and enriched.
And it was pleasant weather for the Mumbaikar in me. 12-15 degrees.
My book Bombay Hangovers too had a few takers.
Media mentions: The Hindustan Times, The Print, ANI News, BNN Breaking.