Hope Street Poets, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2015

Hope Street Poets, KGAF 2015 will be a memorable evening for me. There was just too much kohinoor to put into words.
Let me stay speechless, dumb as a flower under the sun | This evening will stay ever-brimming. Spoonfuls and sips taken from this spring, to fill my cup of other small evenings.

I met many interesting and great poets, and some for the very first time.

The poems I read were: Transmogrified, Raw forms, Disquiet, Thumbprint, Palimpsest, and Biscooti love.

(And since I’m absolutely in love with the essence, sense and concept of Time, the picture with the clock at my feet is my favorite picture. In what adorable act did somebody coyly place that clock there for timekeepers. Blown to bits with it.)


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